Sunday, February 13, 2011

Music + Photography = bliss

There are two things that have helped me throughout my life, 1- photography, and 2- music. Combine the two and I am one happy person! The day my Zune died was the saddest day of my whole life, but Wednesday afternoon when my new one arrived, I was the happier person alive!
I have been so overwhelmed the past few weeks with everything I need to get done for classes, work, and life in general. One thing I have been working on is a self determined graphic design project where I am making a book that is a combination of both my graphic design and photography work. I have been so busy with other homework over the last few weeks (as well as too big of a sissy to take pictures in the negative degree weather) that I haven't been able to get the shots I wanted so for a few days I got lost in music and photography and I was loving every second of it. Just me, my camera, some good tunes, and the outdoors!

These two pictures are going to be a set in my book to display the contrast of following the common path and making your own.

Day 42
February 11

"Go With the Flow"

When I took this picture the whole time I was just thinking of the song "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac

Day 41
February 10

"Go Your Own Way"

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