Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The sticky adventure

For my last project in my graphic design class we were supposed to make a packaging design for some kind of produce. I juggled a few different ideas around but finally settled on dried fruit. I wanted to design something that is wedding photographer friendly. So I figured dried fruit is something that you can keep in your bag for a few weeks without ending up with green fuzzy camera equipment. I also wanted my package to be easy to open with one hand and quiet so if you're at a wedding and haven't eaten all day, you can grab a quick snack to keep you going without being the center of attention.

I got the idea of using a rosary holder or eye glass case lid as the top. Something that you can just squeeze the ends and open it up. I didn't have much luck finding either of these items so I just put a strip of magnets across the top for a quiet and easy opening! The plastic is a pillow box styled container that I made using plastic, transparency type paper.

I had a little bit of an adhesive problem when it came to attaching everything together. I started off by going to Target and found some Krazy glue. I got home, put glue on the plastic, held it together for 30 seconds and let go to find that the glue didn't stick at all. My next idea was a hot glue gun, I wanted to see if it would melt the plastic or not, but it was clear, which was exactly what I needed. I had a hot glue gun back home and my mom was going to be in town so I asked her to bring it up for me. When she got to town we went to my photo show at school and then went out to eat. About an hour after she left I was sitting in my room and realized she'd left without giving me my glue gun. Needless to say I had to think of a second plan. I ran to Michael's and found the glue section and asked the lady working there if Tacky glue would dry clear. I had used it many years ago but didn't remember if it dried clear or not. The lady swore up and down that it dried clear so I bought the bottle and headed home for another gluing adventure. I put a strip of glue on my plastic, noticing that it was white and not clear, and decided to leave it for a few hours, hoping that it would dry clear. When I returned I still had a white strip of glue on my plastic. So I headed to Wal-mart for hopefully my last adhesive purchase. I stood in the aisle reading the backs of every bottle of glue in the aisle hoping to see it say "This glue will dry clear, with work on all plastics, and help you get a solid A+ on your project!" Of course none of them said that, but I decided to get a bottle of super glue and headed home yet again to glue my project.

And guess what! It worked! Oh boy did it work! It stuck to everything, the plastic, the paper under my project, the stick of wood I was using to flatten it out, and of course my fingers! Despite the fact that I had glue everywhere, I was SOO happy to finally find a glue that worked!!

Here is my final project, Tavalo, meaning table in Italian, was the brand name that our class picked to use for all our products. And Tavalo's latest release is Sunbaked raisins, cherries, and apricots!

The day after I finished my roommate came into my room and asked me if I had any glue she could use to glue her picture frame back together. I opened my drawer and asked her, "Well what kind of glue are you looking for?" =)

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