Saturday, July 30, 2011

Joey + Casey 7.21.11

Joey and Casey had a gorgeous wedding at Mary's Lake Lodge in Estes park and had a great view over looking the mountains from the ceremony site. Here are a few shots from the day!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mariko and Casey

Just some quick 365 updates!

Day 203
July 22


Just a quick shot from my wedding on Thursday. More to come soon!

Day 202
July 21


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Nights Breeze

I am a weeny when it comes to hot weather. The end. I hate it! I get so hot, sweaty, and cranky! I don't know many people who say, "ya know, today I'd like it to be so hot I am sweating constantly" but you know what I mean. I hate summer days, but LOVE summer nights. I love when the sun goes down and it starts to cool down outside so you can open all the windows and let the summer breeze roll in.

Day 201
July 20

"Summer Nights Breeze"

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Deans Honor Roll/My Jones

Today in the mail I got a manila envelope from the dean of students, and inside it was a certificate of academic achievement. I was on the deans honor roll last year for having a GPA of 3.5 to 3.74!

Day 200
July 19

"Deans Honor Roll"

At a weddings a couple weeks ago a couple had their own personalized myJones bottles for all their guests. When I took a closer look at my bottled I realized that they had a photo I had taken of them during their engagement session. I know it sounds silly, but if feels SO good as a digital photographer to see your work in print!

Day 199
July 18


A day at the art museum

On Sunday I went with Scott, his brother, cousins, and grandma to the Denver art museum. Here are a few photos from the day. Although I did not take my nice camera to the museum (oh wait, I can't take my camera because it's in the shop! But I just found out today that I'll be getting it back in a week!!) I did take my little point and shoot with me. I never go anywhere without a camera.

The 'children' playing with the toys

Scott sitting in the dead peoples chairs.

"Look, I'm a statue with my artwork!"

After the museum, we went to a local park to take some pictures of Emma for her senior photos as well as pictures of all the kids together with their grandma.

Ryan wanted a picture on the dragon

Day 198
July 17

"Grandma + Grandkids"


Day 197
July 15


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lady Bug

Yesterday I helped Scott with his cousin's senior pictures and on our way back from the first part of the shoot, I said "Ya know, I would really like a macro picture of a lady bug!" Why I was thinking about pictures of lady bugs, I don't know. Then we decided to head to a local wheat field to take pictures and when we very first got there I was holding Scott's reflector about to help and he said "Go get my macro lens, here is a lady bug!" I threw the reflector at Scott's cousin, Robert, and ran to the car to get the macro lens. I spent forever taking pictures of this little booger! Lady bugs are probably the only kind of bug I like and will willingly let crawl on me. Oh, and butterflies! They're just so pretty!

Day 196
July 15

"Lady Bug"

Friday, July 15, 2011


Last night Scott's family started a game of Monopoly (Nascar style I must add) and
Scott and I took over his aunt's place a while after they started the game. Eventually Scott and I teamed up with Scott's brother, Ryan, and formed a corporation as we tried to beat their cousins Emma and Robert. Eventually we ended up with hotels covering over half the board as we tried to wipe Emma and Robert out with each time around the board. I have never seen someone as excited as those two to be stuck in jail for three rounds! We ended up winning the game with our huge stretch of hotels on the board!

Day 195
June 14


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 28

Day 194
July 13

"Flowers in the Wind"

Day 193
July 12


On Monday night my nephew was supposed to have his last tball game of the summer, but unfortunately, like every other Monday this month, we had some bad weather. Originally they postponed the game, hoping to give the little kids one last time to play ball. Scott and I hung around Peetz waiting for the call to say whether they were going to have the game and we would make our way to Sidney, or for them to call the game off and we would have to head back home. Unfortunately they called the game off, so after we waited a few minutes for the worst of the storm to pass, we hit the road. As we pulled my car out of the garage, I saw this view on the horizon. Enjoy!

Day 192
July 11

"Light after the Storm"

Day 191
July 10

"Bedroom Window"

Photoshoot with Keith

A couple months ago Keith asked me if I could take pictures of him but because of both of our schedules, it took a while for us to finally find a day to meet up. I decided to take my first wedding free weekend to go home and clean out some stuff from my room as well as meet up with Keith to do pictures. We tried out a couple parks and locations and ended up back at Keith's house to try out a photo I had seen. Here are a few photos from our shoot. Enjoy!

Day 190
July 9


Ritz Crackers

Day 189
July 8

"Ritz Crackers"

Crackers, dinner, and boudoir

The other day while at Scott's house, I put something away in the cupboard and noticed a tin on the back of the shelf. When I looked at it closer, I realized that it was a tin for premium crackers. I know it doesn't seem like that odd of a thing, but my mom has one just like it for Ritz crackers!

Day 188
July 7

"Premium Crackers"

Day 187
July 6


Day 186
July 5

"Covered with Pearls"

Fourth of July

Day 185
July 4


Joel + Emilie

Joel and Emilie got married at the Stonebrook Manor in Thorton, a venue I have shot at before and LOVE! It is such a gorgeous place to shoot and Joel and Emilie made it even better. Unlike most couples I photograph, Joel and Emilie's story goes back way before college, and back into high school. Their marriage was no surprise and as many family and friends said, it was expected for a long time. Young love is one thing I love, actually I'm a sucker for love at any age, but to see a couple has been together for so long and gone through so much together is so amazing to see, especially as they enter a new stage in their lives. I feel so honored to be a part of that stage for so many couples, especially Joel and Emilie!

Here are a few photos from the day! Enjoy!

Joel's brother, Mark, dancing to thriller.

I have photographed many weddings over the years and I have NEVER seen the guys this excited to get the garter. In some pictures following this photo, Mark (in the photo above) was even choked by the guy standing behind him. These guys must REALLY want to get married. Then again, it was a CU Buffaloes garter...

Day 184
July 3

"Joel + Emilie"

Ryan + Jennifer

I met Ryan and Jennifer during their engagement shoot a few weeks ago. They told me that they were going to have a super small wedding with just a few family members there and when the day came, I felt like I was a member of their family! It was so awesome to be able to share their big day with them and feel so close to them and everyone at the wedding! After the ceremony and dance, which were at the Double Tree hotel in Colorado Springs, we made our way to the limo and around the city. For most weddings I am in my car trying to chase down the limo so I can beat them to their destination, but I was able to sit right next to Jen and Ryan in the limo and get some up close and personal shots!

Thank you Jen and Ryan for letting me be such a big part of your day. You two were awesome and so much fun to photograph! Here are a few photos from the day!

I'm a sucker for "The moment before the kiss" shots. That picture alone can tell so much about a couple and the story of their love! Here is Jen and Ryan's 'moment before' shot!

PS. If anyone wants to buy me some of this (^) wall paper, they'd be my favorite!!

And then we made our way to the Broadmoor, just after the rain! Gorgeous!!

Day 183
July 2

"Ryan + Jennifer"