Monday, October 8, 2012

Chris + Tabby/PEPT 2012

This year I went on my second annual "Photographing Estes Park Trip"(PEPT). Scott and his friend Chris started making it a yearly goal to travel to Estes Park about 6 years ago. Over the years Scott and Chris have invited different friends to join them on their adventures (sometimes scary adventures) in Estes Park.  Tabby and I joined the boys for our second consecutive year. Woohoo!

This year I think it was more of a PCTT (photographing Chris and Tabby trip). Chris and Tabby agreed to help me with my project and do some modeling during our adventures. Last year our adventures involved a lot of walked/hiking (as well as avoiding the herd of elk) and a little picture taking.  This year was the complete opposite; lots of pictures and little walking (which was fine by me. I need to hit the gym!)

Oh, and did I mention that these two are recently engaged? Scott and I are so happy for you two and wish you the best of luck! Thanks for modeling for me! =)

And I couldn't go to Estes Park without taking some pictures of the scenery too.  Here are some of my favorites from the day. Man do I love fall in the mountains!?

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